
Audiobook creator exchange
Audiobook creator exchange

It’s called ACX.com (Audiobook Creation Exchange).

audiobook creator exchange

Collect BountiesĪudible, Amazon, and iTunes have a common back end for self-published authors to produce audiobooks. With the rise in audiobook popularity, lack of attention to this detail can add up to substantial financial loss. Many authors sign their audio rights away without even knowing it-they find out after the fact that an audiobook version of their print book has been created, and worse yet, they won’t receive reasonable royalties for the sales of that audiobook. If you’re planning to work with a publisher, this information is absolute gold for you as you negotiate your contract. It is imperative that you understand the legalities of audiobook production, so that you can protect your intellectual and financial investments. Know Your Rightsĭon’t fall prey to the amateur mistake of not knowing your audio rights. Otherwise, ditch the temptation to try to save money-because you won’t. If you have a following in the millions who is used to you speaking on stages, on TED talks or in other audio recordings-and you have built your platform and reputation around your unique voice and speaking qualities-then you may be a good candidate to voice your own audiobooks. There is however, an exception to this rule. You could be reaping the benefits and leveraging this asset like a boss, rather than spending your time and money going through a learning curve you simply don’t need to go through. Instead, your audiobook could be professionally produced at a reasonable cost and delivered to the world with ease in about 6 weeks. All in all, you can reasonably expect to triple your time investment or more. In addition to specialized voice training and having to learn microphone and breathing technique, consider the time and expense for a home recording studio setup or rental time in a recording studio. Even if you’re an experienced public speaker or podcaster, the skill set for audiobook narration is distinct. That means that an average non-fiction book of 60,000 words requires twenty-five to thirty hours of production time-for an experienced professional.


Here’s why:Īudiobook Creation Exchange (ACX) reports that it takes an average of 6.2 hours of production time for a professional narrator and editor to create one hour of finished audio. What you really want answered is the question, “Is there any advantage to narrating the book myself?” Most often, the answer is no. One of the most frequently asked questions I receive is, “Should I narrate my own book, or work with a narrator?” That is the wrong question to ask. If you are an author keen on taking advantage of this booming advancement in publishing-and you have every reason to be-pay attention to these five factors that will make sure your audiobook is the asset you want it to be and a fabulous tool to grow your audience, influence, and income. The cost of audiobook production has also dropped dramatically – nearly 50% since 2009.Īs a nonfiction audiobook publishing specialist, I see critical mistakes and bottom-line opportunities overlooked time and again.

audiobook creator exchange

There’s no barrier to where and when we can listen. One factor that contributes to this exponential increase in audiobook readership is accessibility-audiobooks are now available through our phones, laptops, and tablets.

audiobook creator exchange

The Association of American Publishers show audiobook downloads up by 31.1% from 2015 to 2016 – part of a 5 year trend, and counting. Eager entrepreneurs, however, may dive in headfirst without giving sufficient forethought into how this unique tool can best be leveraged.Īudiobooks are the fastest-growing sector of the entire publishing industry. More and more non-fiction authors are recognizing the incredible potential audiobooks offer their business.

Audiobook creator exchange